Roofing Contractor

Serving the Cincinnati, Ohio Area


At JK Roofing & Construction, we know choosing a Cincinnati area roofing contractor is a tough job. We are here to help make it easier! JK Roofing & Construction has been providing roof installation and roof repairs in the Cincinnati, OH area since 2018.With each new roofing project, whether residential roofing or commercial roofing, we strive to provide professional, timely service at a fair price.


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(513) 756-2285


Highly Rated on Google


"JK Roofing is the best in the business. From the first encounter to the roof inspection to the quote and then filing the claim with my insurance it was nice and easy thanks to Joe and the team. So glad they knocked on my door. Thanks to them I have a new roof that should last me a lifetime!"

- Michelle B.


Roofing Experts Since 2018

JK Roofing & Construction is an expert at installing residential and commercial roofing projects on time and on budget. For speedy, yet efficient and detailed services, trust JK Roofing & Construction to get it done right every time. Our roofing experts utilize only the finest materials and techniques to ensure that your new roof will withstand the harsh weather elements and keep your building secure and protected. Call (513) 756-2285 today for a free quote.



Roof Damage Specialists from Wind & Storms

Your home is a major financial investment, and it’s the place where your family’s most important memories are made. You take measures to protect it from accidents, but sometimes those precautions are not enough. Storms from high-speed winds and hail tear off roofs and siding and break window glass. Heavy rains, which often accompany these storms, present the risk of water damage to compromised interiors. After the excitement is over, you’re left with a mess to clean. The good news is that you don’t have to restore your home alone. Since 2018, JK Roofing & Construction has been getting homes and commercial structures back to working order after storms hit. If you need exterior contracting help after a storm, give us a call for a quick estimate.


Storm Damage

Homes that are impacted by hurricanes often incur moderate to heavy roof damage, and it’s possible that a structure’s roof can completely disappear during a powerful storm with high winds. When your home is exposed to damages of this magnitude, you need the help of an exterior contractor that can replace or repair your roof against additional weather damage. We'll inspect the extent of the destruction and develop a plan to stop leaks and make professional repairs. We provide emergency roof tarping and priority roof repair and replacement. If your home or business has been damaged by a storm, call (513) 756-2285.

Roof Insurance Claims

Submitting a roofing claim can be a difficult and time-consuming task. JK Roofing & Construction will work with you to determine whether or not your insurance will cover damage caused by hail, wind, or rain. JK Roofing & Construction has been helping homeowners file roofing claims since 2018. Our experts have the knowledge and experience necessary to assist you with your insurance claims when your roof has sustained damage from wind, hail, or other factors. Call JK Roofing & Construction with all of your roofing insurance claim questions, we are happy to help. We have a success rate of over 80% at full approval from insurance companies!

Roof Replacement

The dependable crew at JK Roofing & Construction are certified in the safe replacement of residential roofs. Our goal is to provide top-quality roofing materials and the most professional service in town. We do this by installing high-quality products and hiring Cincinnati's most talented roofers. Call us today to discuss replacing your roof.

Roof Repair

It is vital to have your roof repaired when need be before the problem becomes worse and too overwhelming to manage. Water seepage can cause mold and mildew damage, which becomes not only a structural problem but a health issue as well. Whether your damage is from a recent storm, wind, leak, or something else, we can help!


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(513) 756-2285


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